PHUSE Single Day Events in Frankfurt 

The PHUSE Single Day Event in Frankfurt will take place on 13 March 2025. We will be attending and also giving a presentation at the event. You can read the abstract below. We look forward to meeting you there. 

Bridging the standards: standardized mapping and lineage

by Javier Soto and Berber Snoeijer (ClinLine)

Our industry has been mapping data from one standard to another for decades. This includes mapping of clinical trial data from collection to submission standards as well as mapping other study data like real-world data utilized for regulatory purposes. While standards such as CDISC and OMOP exist for the data itself, there is no industry standard for documenting the mapping process and metadata. Consequently, there are many different ways of documenting, noting and storing the mapping details. In most cases this information is not computer-readable and the actual mapping is a non-standardized, case by case task, translating the mapping specification into computer programs.

This presentation shows how we store the mapping information to ensure data lineage and FAIRness, and to improve the efficiency in the mapping process. We will illustrate this by examples of mapping real-world data with an open source tool we are developing to show the mapping lineage over multiple transformation steps.