We are extremely proud that Maylin has the opportunity to present at this Single Day Event. Please visit our LinkedIn page and join the conversation about these abstract.

More Than Coding – What Else There is to Clinical Programming

by Maylin Graebenstein

Descriptions of tasks and skill requirements for a clinical programmer position typically focus on technical competencies, such as using statistical software and programming languages. However, it is often understated that there is more to being a programmer than just programming.

This presentation will dive into the tasks and responsibilities of a clinical programmer that go beyond developing code. It is crucial for any programmer to improve certain soft skills to enhance individual performance and build stronger and more efficient teams. The roles of collaboration, adaptability, communication and other soft skills will be discussed from the perspective of a life science enthusiast who has found joy in the field with no prior programming experience. Highlighting the task variety within the programming discipline in the pharmaceutical industry can make clinical data science attractive for newcomers who do not consider themselves tech-savvy.