Newsletter June 2024

In this newsletter:

  • PHUSE SDE in Heidelberg
  • Therapeutic-area-specific CDISC training
  • A review of PHUSE SDE in Utrecht
  • Watch our new OCS Life Sciences company video
  • Fontys Hogeschool at Alpe d’HuZes

PHUSE SDE in Heidelberg

Coming Thursday the next PHUSE Single Day Event in Heidelberg takes place. The theme is ‘Are You a Data Storyteller? Data-Driven Decisions and Data Automatisation in Clinical Trials’.

This SDE will not only focus on improving our technical skillset but also on reflecting and adjusting our data science capabilities and reuse of clinical data for further innovative research. OCS Life Sciences will contribute with two presentations: 

  • Caro Sluijter with Berber Snoeijer from ClinLineExperiences and best practices in re-using real-world data for regulatory purposes.
    This presentation will show an approach and experiences for mapping real-world data using the OMOP data standard, eventually making it submission-ready in the SDTM structure.
  • Kimberley Santing: Near Real Time Data Flow.
    In this presentation you will learn how to achieve end-to-end data connectivity within SAS LSAF, from integrations with various EDC systems and central labs to data visualisation for statisticians and clinicians.

We hope to see many of you there! If you can’t make it to the event but are interested in any of our presentations, we’re happy to send you the slides or talk you through their contents.

Therapeutic-area-specific CDISC training

OCS Life Sciences has a training portfolio including all major CDISC standards, including SDTM, ADaM, and Define-XML. These trainings are aimed at those with none to little CDISC experience. If our existing, off-the-shelf training offering doesn’t meet your needs then we have the skills and capacity to develop custom, fully bespoke trainings as well.

We have recently worked with clients in nutrition, pediatric oncology and medical devices to tailor our existing, generic SDTM and ADaM training to their respective therapeutic areas. We’ve enabled teams of data managers and statistical programmers to understand how global data standards apply to their field.

Interested in how this would work for your team? Send us your contact information and we will follow up with you!

A review of PHUSE SDE in Utrecht

On 30th May 2024, OCS Life Sciences attended the PHUSE Single Day Event in Utrecht. Since the first edition in 2016 this event has been organised by Paul Vervuren of Danone Nutricia Research and Jules van der Zalm of OCS Life Sciences. This event is always a great opportunity to meet with local friends and partners – an opportunity we don’t get as often as we used to.

The event focused on AI and ML technology to enhance efficiency in clinical research and healthcare. Presentations ranged from technical deepdives into the mechanics and techniques of machine learning to very applied use of them in healthcare, and from the FDAs support for using AI and ML in drug development to the programmer’s use of LLMs in statistical programming.

The audience engagement and the feedback received at the event are testament to the interest in this topic. Within OCS Life Sciences we are currently exploring opportunities for the use of AI and ML in our daily work. A first initiative is the development of a support system for statistical programmers that uses Mistral 7B LLM trained on CDISC implementation guides. If you’re interested in exploring this with us, then let’s talk!

On 30th May 2024, OCS Life Sciences attended the PHUSE Single Day Event in Utrecht. Since the first edition in 2016 this event has been organised by Paul Vervuren of Danone Nutricia Research and Jules van der Zalm of OCS Life Sciences. This event is always a great opportunity to meet with local friends and partners – an opportunity we don’t get as often as we used to.

The event focused on AI and ML technology to enhance efficiency in clinical research and healthcare. Presentations ranged from technical deepdives into the mechanics and techniques of machine learning to very applied use of them in healthcare, and from the FDAs support for using AI and ML in drug development to the programmer’s use of LLMs in statistical programming.

The audience engagement and the feedback received at the event are testament to the interest in this topic. Within OCS Life Sciences we are currently exploring opportunities for the use of AI and ML in our daily work. A first initiative is the development of a support system for statistical programmers that uses Mistral 7B LLM trained on CDISC implementation guides. If you’re interested in exploring this with us, then let’s talk!

Watch our new OCS Life Sciences brand video

Fontys Hogeschool at Alpe d'HuZes

A team of teachers and students from Fontys Hogeschool of People and Health Studies was in Alpe d’Huez on 6 June 2024. They were there to volunteer and support more than 5’000 runners and cyclists who climbed the mountain up to 6 times, as part of Alpe d'HuZes. This was a sporting event to raise money for cancer research and for improving the lives of people with cancer. The Fontys team was there to support the participants throughout the entire event, which ran the entire week. OCS Life Sciences is proud to sponsor this great initiative! Ultimately, €18,017,606 was raised with this event. The next edition of Alpe d’HuZes will take place on June 5, 2025.